Educational Goals:
DSA is committed to providing each student a formal education that meets and surpasses the Common Core Florida State and National State Standard required by both the public and private schools. We offer a curriculum that is stimulating, open-ended, and uniquely crafted to meet individual needs. Additionally, the student’s IEP is taken into consideration as the best materials are sourced to suit academic ability. At the end of the day, students will not only master content in subject areas but have fun while doing so. The learning that takes place at DSA is structured to meet the educational philosophy of the school. We, therefore, strive to meet our overall school goal which ensures that our students: become active and independent learners, gain confidence in themselves, creatively express their talents/interests, and develop organizational skills for life.
At DSA, we follow a pattern of:
The DSA Advantage:
• Individualize Teaching and learning style
• Retains Skilled and Highly trained Teachers
• Small Class Size
• Speech & Language Department
• Occupational Therapy
• Mental Health Department
• ABA Department on Site
• Extra-Curricular Activities